*** Congratulations to the 2024 Champions ***


18 American - AZ Storm - Division / LARPers - Playoffs

18 National - AZ Storm - Division / Hit Factory Legends - Playoffs

35 National - Arizona Ospreys - Division / Royals - Playoffs

45 National - Giants Division & Playoffs

55 National - Diamondbacks - Division & Playoffs

65 National - 65 A's - Division & Playoffs



Field Notes:

Reminder to all teams - Home team is the first base dugout.

Tempe Diablo - Due to Angels clubhouse construction, we will be using fields 5 and 6 for the summer. Please park on the street next to the soccer fields off of Alameda Dr (both sides are available), or on S Fair Avenue.

Salt River Parking.  If playing on D-Backs side - park in the Desert Lot 

For the Rockies side - park at home plate of the stadium off Pima Rd.    Same as last year!!!  Covered Batting tunnels on both sides are "OFF LIMITS" !!!!!  Some fields may have a piece of AstroTurf in front of mounds which can be removed and put in dugout prior to game.  NO CHEW OR SUNFLOWER SEEDS IN ANY FACILITY, SPIT IN DUGOUT OR FIELD PER MLB/COVID PROTOCOL.  Use a cup and throw in trash.


NO TAILGATING/ALCOHOL at any facility before/after games!!!!!   ANYONE/TEAM  caught will be suspended for the year and will be banned. NO TOLERANCE

Equipment Notes:

Dinger Bats is now being represented in Arizona by AZMSBL player, Tom Pomatto.  Dinger offers world class wood bats, training tools, trophy bats, and accessories such as batting gloves and sunglasses, at prices well below the competition.  Go to dingerbats.com for more information and contact Tom for further details, pricing, and order information @tompomatto@gmail.com, or cell @ 847.710.1434.

Hall of Fame Notes:

Hall of Fame -  To nominate someone use the nomination link below. 


Payment Notes:

Backyards on Via Ventura offers 10% off all AZMSBL Bar/Food TABS!!

Please use (Zelle - jobrien628@gmail.com), or send Checks (no Paypal).

Mail Checks C/O Ed Klemm, 4531 E. Le Marche Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85032